
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-07-31Article about health friendly nutrition was published online: http://www.moteris.lt/sveikata/mitybos-specialiste-maisto-derinimas-tera-mitas.d?id=75357551 in popular e-magazine, where also the project was mentioned and inserted active link to its website.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-07-31Article about health friendly nutrition was published online: http://www.alfa.lt/straipsnis/50200483/ar-tikrai-maisto-derinimas-vienas-is-mitybos-mitu in one of the most popular Lithuanian portal, where also the project was mentioned and inserted active link to its website.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-07-31Article about health friendly nutrition was published online: http://www.cosmopolitan.lt/sveikata/mitybos-specialistai-maisto-derinimas-mitas-kuris-neduoda-jokios-naudos.d?id=75363681 in one of the most popular Lithuanian e-magazine, where also the project was mentioned and inserted active link to its website.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-07-30Article about health friendly nutrition was published online: http://sveikataipalankus.lt/ar-tikrai-maisto-derinimas-vienas-mitybos-mitu/ Where also the project was mentioned and inserted active link to its website.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-07-17During the WBL 2.0 transnational partners’ meeting, held in Dundee (SCO) on 17/07/17, Andrea Peraldo presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-07-13Meeting in Kaunas Municipality, concerning kids nutrition in educational institutions was organized. Vida Drąsutė was invited to participate and also to share her ideas, experience from HealthEDU project. It was a chance to speak directly with advisor of Minister of Health and present a project in detailed. Danas Bakša was interested in the project and suggested his help where it could be needed. Also asked to send more info about project, its links to website and facebook.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-07-10During the IWBLabs transnational partners’ meeting, held in Jelgava (LV) on 10/07/17, Lorenzo Martellini presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-07-07The Edumotiva team in collaboration with the ΜΓΣ Εθνικός Αλεξανδρούπολης (Ethnikos Alexandroupolis Sports Team) carried out another of the learning activities from earlier in the year.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-07-06During the GEEA transnational partners’ meeting, held in Ruse (BG) on 06/07/17, Antonio Giordano presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-07-065. The project was shared with representatives of the Selby Trust in London – an NGO maintaining a hub of offices and facilities provided to local organizations for various development purposes and work with and for the local schools.