
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-04-06world health day in Razgrad
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-04-06The scenario for the Hansel and Gretel was translated in Greek and circulated by email to our established HealthEDU network of schools (approx. 17 schools). The schools had access to our material and the were prompt to use and circulate it.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-04-04During the E-Learning From Nature Meeting, held in Limerick (IE), on 10/04/17, Lorenzo Martellini presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Kayseri Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey, Kayseri2017-04-03Briefing at transnational meetings of other projects
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-04-02On April 1-2, 2017 EDUMOTIVA took part in Athens Science Festival with 3 stands. Over the festival period, students and other visitors from the wider area of Athens take the opportunity to explore science in fun, innovative and interactive ways. At the same time researchers, teachers, distinguished scientists and artists give their best to communicate science and make it part of their audience’s everyday lives. The Athens Science Festival is jointly organised by the educational organisation “Science Communication – SciCo”, the British Council, the Technopolis of the City of Athens, the Onassis Scholars’ Association and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, in collaboration with a variety of academic, research and educational institutions attracting over 33.000 visitors every year. Edumotiva team had the opportunity to talk with the visitors of the festival, to present the project and to distribute informational material.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-03-31During the I Have Rights Meeting, held in Coimbra (PT), on 31/03/17, Lorenzo Martellini presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-03-29educational activities for world water day
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-03-26The Parent Council of Nea Xili Primary School invited the HealthEDU team to carry out a learning activity in celebration of World Water Day.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-03-23The HealthEDU was shared with partners from the UK and Poland during a partnership meeting in Krakow, Poland under the Learning Families Erasmus+ school focused project.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-03-23Information about the HealthEDU activities related to the World Water Day, which were organized at primary school "St. Kliment Ohridski", Kardjali was published on a local informational portal: http://www.novjivot.info/2017/03/23/91710/