
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-02-09an educational event for kindergarten children
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-02-09 An article about the HEALTHEDU project was sent to http://www.ipaideia.gr/ for publication. ipaideia.gr is one of the most popular educational portals in Greece.
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-02-09Folitsa tis Giagias (Grandma’s Nest) is one of the kindergartens that are participating in the HealthEDU project in Greece. We visited the school to inform the parents about the activities of the program. The parents were very willing to be involved and we are looking forward to visiting the school and carry out the activities with the children in the near future.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-02-08International methodical-practical conference "Health strengthen methods and actualities and physical activity in kindergarten" (orig. SVEIKATOS STIPRINIMO AKTUALIJOS IR DARŽELIO BENDRUOMENĖS FIZINIS AKTYVUMAS)where pre-school education teachers from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Norway shared their experience was organized and coordinated by Vilnius Municipality, Education, Culture and Sports Department of Education Division of Preschool and Primary Education Division Chief Specialist Vidmanta Kibirkstiene. During the conference project HealthEDU was presented to auditorium (we were invited to present activities in healthy lifestyle promotion for kids and their education in that. After the presentation project's posters were shared with participants. Conference was concerned with pre-primary edcuation. Conference carried out in view of the increased need to strengthen the health of children, to introduce the basics of a healthy lifestyle, to improve child nutrition, promote physical activity and to organize outdoor activities. The conference aims to share existing best children's health promotion and physical activity in preschool experience. By this conference organizers seek to concentrate Lithuanian pre-school teachers, high school teachers, social partners and colleagues from other countries to create a network of cooperation and sharing of knowledge and professional skills in developing children's health expertise, activating all the kindergarten community.
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-02-06As part of Healthedu (European Healthy Eating Initiative No. 2016-1-LT01-KA201-023196), the Edumotiva team carried out another learning activity at Legetsi Kindergarten where 35 students explored different food groups and learned about the Mediterranean Food Pyramid, played games where they identified healthy and less healthy foods and finally we chose one of the healthy recipes that the parents suggested to make a banana milk cream with honey, cinnamon and cocoa powder.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-02-06The HealthEDU project was shared with the German and Slovene partners during a partnership meeting under the CULPEER for Integration Erasmus+ project.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-02-02An educational event and healthy nutrition activities for kindergarten children
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-02-02Series of educational events with 6 groups of children and their parents and teachers at a kindergarten in Sofia.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-02-01Educational activities evolving into a healthy food drawings exhibition
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-02-01Educational activities for students.