
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-10-29Project presentation during the kickoff meeting of the “MathE” in Florence (IT)
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-10-22The post in HealthEDU social network Facebook about project multiplier event.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-10-22Final conference (multiplier event) of HealthEDU project was dedicated for teachers, administration stuff, dietists, cooks of kindergartens and primary schools, also parents of small children who are going to kindergartens, primary schools, to present the project idea, activities and all prepared material, project's results which are open to use for any institution or personal use. In the conference were lecturers who presented themes related to healthy nutrition and health. Among participants there were representatives from project's associated partners (kindergartens, primary schools), who shared their experience in the project, changes that they felt after project activities. There were planned to make multiplier events of HealthEDU project in two regions of Lithuania in order to invite more people from different areas. This event was held in Trakai region, near Vilnius (Lithuania's capital). Photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/BSFNYbeiatNztKjYA
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-10-22Project presentation during the International Seminar “Intercultural Education” in Florence (IT)
Kayseri Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey, Kayseri2018-10-18http://www.kayserihakimiyet2000.com/saglikli-besleniyorum-egleniyorum.html Students of Ali Osman Özel Primary School visited an organic production farm located in Gesi town, Kayseri.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-10-18Project presentation during the meeting of the “IWBLabs” project in Teramo (IT)
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2018-10-16The children from Second "A" age group "Kalinka" at kindergarten "Radost" in the town of Elin Pelin celebrated the World food day, also as a day of bread and for combating hunger – 16 October 2018 - by creating figures from healthy foods and making up a story about a "Curious caterpillar". From this story they learned that in order to grow healthy and strong, they need to eat nutritious and healthy foods!
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-10-15Project presentation during the International Master “European Project Planning and Management” in Florence (IT)
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-10-12Project was presented during Erasmus+ KA2 project's InCounselling50+ partners meeting.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2018-10-09Information about the methodical material has been emailed to all involved kindergartens and schools from the city of Sofia, together with a proposal for organizing a meeting for better presentation of the methodical material.