Partner institution: | VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas | |
Name of Contact Person: | Neringa Kelpšaitė | |
Date of the event: | 2021-04-22 | |
Type of Dissemination event: |
Article on website | |
Held in: | Online | |
Target group: | Public audience | |
Number of people reached by event: | 183 | |
Description of Dissemination Event: | Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileisiai school webiste was updated regarding the projects school participate. The website provides the latest information on project activities and achieved results. https://vileisiumokykla.lt/projektai/tarptautiniai-projektai/ | |
Outcomes and Results: | School website visitors were informed about newest activities of the project. | |
Supporting Documents: |