
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-03-22Educational event "Water day" was organized in Kaunas kindergarten "Čiauškutis". Teachers followed the educational program provided by HealthEDU project team. Games, presentations, movies, related with the Water day were presented to kids.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-03-19During the transnational training activity of the DELTA project, held in Frankfurt Oder (DE) on 19/03/2018, Andrea Anzanello presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-03-15During the transnational meeting of the ZOE project, held in Vilnius (LT) on 15/03/2018, Antonio Giordano presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-03-13During the Adulet transnational meeting, held in Madrid (ES) on 13/03/2018, Elisabetta Delle Donne presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-03-09During the WBL 2.0 transnational meeting, held in Kilkis (EL) on 09/03/2018, Andrea Peraldo presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-03-08During the international meeting of Erasmus+ KA2 project WBL 2.0 the project was presented. As well leaflets shared.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-03-08HealthEDU project was introduced during international meeting of representatives of institutions working with companies for internships.There were mentioned aims and achieved results of the project.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-03-07During the Pathway through Religion transnational meeting, held in Cambridge (UK) on 07/03/2018, Lorenzo Martellini presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-03-05During the international conference INTED2018, which was held in Valencia, Spain, project's HealthEDU leaflets were spread.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-02-28During the General yearly meeting of the Kindergarten "Šaltinėlis" community, project was presented to all auditorium. As this kindergarten is one of associated partners/beneficiaries, educational events organized with kids were presented to parents.