
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2018-02-23Publication of a short article about project HealthEDU second meeting in Valencia, Spain. Published in Trakai district newspaper ,,Trakai Land" (orig. ,,Trakų Žemė"), n°8 (1006), 23rd February, 2018, named ,,The representatives of the Pedagogical Psychological Service met with partners of the project "HealthEDU" ".
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-02-16During the E-Classes transnational meeting, held in Iasi (RO) on 16/02/2018, Andrea Anzanello presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-02-15During the UpSkillead transnational meeting, held in Novo Mesto (SL) on 15/02/2018, Antonio Giordano presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-02-15During the training for kids "Ebru art" where families gather together, project HealthEDU was presented. While the kids are painting, parents have tea break and talks.
Florida centre de formacion sociedad cooperativa, Spain, Valencia2018-02-14Last February 14th, Florida Universitària within the project Erasmus+ Health Edu organized a round table "Learning to eat at school" with the participation of five experts in different topics related on food and health. The objective was to debate how to promote good feeding practices in Pre-primary and Primary schools and to raise awareness of the importance of food for students. According to the data provided by the pediatricians and teachers of Florida Universitària, Manuel Martínez and José Villarroya, in the Valencian Community 25% of the population is overweight and obese. Miguel Angel Moret, director of the school Les Carolines de Picassent, suggested that healthy habits for children is not only the work of schools, but also families so they can work together. The chef Alberto Corriente proposes that families prepare dinner, depending on what children have eaten at school, to have a balanced diet. On the other hand, Alejandra Miralles, manager of Gastronomic Association La Regadera (El Canyaveral, Valencia), explained that it is important that children know the effects that the foods produce in their body, and to understand the benefits of eating well and actively playing, so they can be able to self-regulate. To this event attended more than 50 persons who evaluated the activity interesting and with important inputs to their real lives.
Florida centre de formacion sociedad cooperativa, Spain, Valencia2018-02-13The association of mothers and fathers (AMPA) of the school Escuela 2 has organized a seminar on healthy eating in two sessions, one theoretical that took place on 13-2-18 and a practical one on the 20-2-18. The theoretical session began with an explanation of the Health Edu project in which Escuela 2 participates as a beneficiary center. The seminar was related to the presentation of the latest studies about healthy food. Those responsible for conducting the theoretical session were Rafa Adell as representative of the Health EDU project and the Sesa nut association as responsible for presenting the conference. On the other hand, the practical session was conducted by Maria Saiz (mother of three students of the school) who started with a small talk with practical advice on healthy eating followed by the cooking of four recipes that can be used on a daily basis and that are absolutely healthy and affordable for any neophyte in culinary themes: surprise vegan cookies, chia pudding with fruits and almond yogurt, falafel from Lebanon and oatmeal and lentils burger.
Florida centre de formacion sociedad cooperativa, Spain, Valencia2018-02-13SEMINAR ON HEALTHY EATING IN ESCUELA 2 The association of mothers and fathers (AMPA) of the school Escuela 2 has organized a seminar on healthy eating in two sessions, one theoretical that took place on 13-2-18 and a practical one on the 20-2-18. The theoretical session began with an explanation of the Health Edu project in which Escuela 2 participates as a beneficiary center. The seminar was related to the presentation of the latest studies about healthy food. Those responsible for conducting the theoretical session were Rafa Adell as representative of the Health EDU project and the Sesa nut association as responsible for presenting the conference. On the other hand, the practical session was conducted by Maria Saiz (mother of three students of the school) who started with a small talk with practical advice on healthy eating followed by the cooking of four recipes that can be used on a daily basis and that are absolutely healthy and affordable for any neophyte in culinary themes: surprise vegan cookies, chia pudding with fruits and almond yogurt, falafel from Lebanon and oatmeal and lentils burger. These recipes were cooked in groups and each of the participants had the opportunity to taste all of them. Both sessions were very productive and interesting since they dealt with issues that directly affect the day to day of any family.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2018-02-08On the 8-9th of February, 2018, international meeting of the project Incounselling50+ which is developed under Erasmus+ KA2 program was organized. In this project eMundus is responsible for project website, platform and dissemination, therefore it was a great chance to disseminate HealthEDU while the presentation about good dissemination practices was done.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-02-05During the European Project Management transnational training course, held in Florence (IT) on 05/02/2018, Elisabetta Delle Donne presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2018-02-01During the IWBLabs transnational meeting, held in Zaragoza (ES) on 01/02/2018, Lorenzo Martellini presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners