
Описание на проекта

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-11-09During the conference "Open professional collaboration for open learning" workshops were organized and there were possibility to present the project for the target who were interested into HealthEDU topic. Also project was presented for the participants during the coffee breaks while developing discussions on Project topic.
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2017-11-08Education event arrangements, implementation of program for an educational event on 8th November (European Day of Healthy Food and Cooking). Present about the project for Paluknis Longino Komolovskio gimnazija pupils parents, teachers, administrators of school. Distributing flyers, pens with logos of the project.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-11-03A publication on a regional electronic news bulletin for the municipality of Plovdiv: http://eudirect-plovdiv.centerbg.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/%D0%91%D1%8E%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD-183.pdf - a whole page has been dedicated to the FDCBPCS and the HealthEDU project - page n. 4.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-11-03Project HealthEDU was presented in detailed for S.Daukanto progymnasium. Information together with invitation to join the project as beneficiary was sent to school director Jekaterina Juknevičienė. She is going to share the information with school personnel.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-10-31world food day in Varna
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-10-30During the kick-off meeting of the Eldora project, held in Kosice (SL) on 30/10/17, Antonio Giordano presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration. The brochure of the project have been distributed to the project partners
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2017-10-27Project researchers from Trakai district municipality Pedagogical Psychological Service mentioned World Food Day in the Trakai gymnasium, where 12 kids participated (from 4 to 6 years) and 2 pedagogues. During the event kids had some different tasks. They participated in painting mandalas from fruits, vegetables also were supposed to say which fruit or vegetables is green, yellow, red color. Speak about healthy and unhealthy products and discussed why it is important to eat healthy food for example fruits, vegetables.
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2017-10-27Project researchers from Trakai district municipality Pedagogical Psychological Service mentioned World Food Day in Trakai gymnasium (participated children from 4 to 7 years and 2 teachers) and Bijunai school – multifunctional centre (participated children from 7 to 10 years and 1 teacher). Shared educational event in HealthEDU FB page.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-10-27Project manager, Vida Drąsutė, was involved in a Skype meeting with the participants in the sixth edition of Pixel Association International Master “European Project Planning and Management”. Firstly, the presentation of institution eMundus was made then the projects, developed by eMundus team were presented. One of them HealthEDU.
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2017-10-26Project researchers from Trakai district municipality Pedagogical Psychological Service mentioned World Food Day in Bijunai school. The event of the project took place in the school – multifunctional centre, where 10 kids participated (from 7 to 10 years). During the event kids had different tasks. They participated in painting mandalas from fruits, vegetables also guessed the quantity of sugar in Coca - Cola drinks and gummies, were supposed to recognise healthy and unhealthy products and discussed why it is important to eat healthy food. All children during the event were active, creative, interested and happy.