
Proje yönetimi

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2017-06-15An online article following the training event in Florence in May 2017 has been developed and published online on an independent articles directory. The article has been scrutinized and approved for publishing by Delyana Antonova from statii.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-06-14Project was presented to Nutrition specialist responsible for kids nutrition organization processes in kindergarten Delfinukas. Therefore project aim, activities, results and activities for beneficiaries were presented in detailed via email.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-06-09Articale about Training in Florencia were published online:http://www.lsmuni.lt/media/dynamic/files/12366/2017_av23--8pslweb.pdf
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2017-06-09Invitation to the seminar Children's nutrition tendencies in pre-school and primary education institutions and practical activity "Art in a plate" (orig. Vaikų mitybos tendencijos ikimokyklinio ir pradinio ugdymo įstaigose" ir praktinė veikla "Tapyba lėkštėje").
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-06-08During the seventh edition of The Future of Education international conference, held in Florence (IT), on 08/06/2016, some brochures of the HealthEdu project were distributed to the conference participants. Elisabetta Delle Donne had the opportunity to talk about the project aims and activities and some of the participants asked to be kept informed
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-06-07Article about nutrition and its organizational process in schools were published online, where information about the project was included. https://www.emundus.lt/tikroji-tiesa-apie-vaiku-maitinima-ugdymo-istaigose-73.htm
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-06-06Artical about nutrition and its organizational process in schools were published online: http://priekavos.lt/tikroji-tiesa-apie-vaiku-maitinima-ugdymo-istaigose/ where information about the project was included.
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2017-06-06Article about nutrition and its organizational process in schools were published online: http://sveikataipalankus.lt/tikroji-tiesa-apie-vaiku-maitinima-ugdymo-istaigose/ where information about the project was included.
Pixel Association, Italy, Florence2017-06-05During the transnational partners’ WWW project meeting, held in Valencia (ES) on 05/06/17, Marco Burini presented Pixel’s activities and, among these, the HealthEdu project. The project’s aims and results were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility of further collaboration.
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2017-06-01First contact with representatives of the Summer Camp of the Sport Union in order to inform them about the project and to explore possibilities for collaboration.