
Proje yönetimi

Institution:  From:  To:

Partner institution Date of the event Description of Dissemination Event  
VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas2016-11-07Why is increasing amount of ill children? There are different opinions by parents. Mindful parents understand the importance of children nutrition.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2016-11-05Information about HealthEDU has been published on a facebook page dedicated to EU projects and programmes.
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2016-11-04Publication of a short article about International project ,,HealthEDU" and the first project partners meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania. Published in Trakai district newspaper ,,Trakai Land" (orig. ,,Trakų Žemė"), n°44 (938), 4th November, 2016, named ,,Healthy eating dissemination of pre-school and primary education through project activities".
Trakai Educational Assistance Authority, Lithuania, Trakai2016-11-04Uploaded article, which was published in Trakai district newspaper ,,Trakai Land" (orig. ,,Trakų Žemė"), n°44 (938), 4th November, 2016. Web link: http://www.trakuspt.lt/index.php/lt-lt/187-sveikos-mitybos-sklaida-ikimokykliniame-ir-pradiniame-ugdyme-per-projektine-veikla
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2016-11-03Schools, kindergartens, NGOs from the region of Plovdiv received information about the project through a regional bulletin.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2016-11-02Information about HealthEDU published within the 44/2.11.2016 & 45/9.11.2016 issues of the electronic bulletin of the Foundation for local government reform - www.flgr.bg. It reaches out to project interested people all over the country.
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2016-11-02A number of schools (kindergartens and primary schools) were contacted by phone and email in order to present the HealthEDU project and to seek collaboration.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2016-11-01Individual emails with information about the HealthEDU project and invitation for joining the activities was sent a great number of school clubs with healthy eating topic. The club leaders and the school contact persons received information about the project.
European Lab for Educational Technology, Greece, Sparta2016-11-01A number of schools (kindergartens and primary schools) were contacted by phone and email in order to present the HealthEDU project and to seek collaboration.
Foundation for development of the cultural BPOCS, Bulgaria, Sofia2016-10-31Information about HealthEDU has been published in the October issue of the electronic bulletin of the official administration of District Yambol. The publication is on page 24 in the attached document!