
Proje yönetimi

Partner institution: Florida centre de formacion sociedad cooperativa, Spain, Valencia
Name of Contact Person: Jose Paulo Costa
Date of the event: 2018-02-14
Type of Dissemination event:

Seminar-round table

Held in:Florida universitaria Valencia
Target group:People working/interested in good feeding practices in Pre-primary and Primary schools
Number of people reached by event:50
Description of Dissemination Event:Last February 14th, Florida Universitària within the project Erasmus+ Health Edu organized a round table "Learning to eat at school" with the participation of five experts in different topics related on food and health. The objective was to debate how to promote good feeding practices in Pre-primary and Primary schools and to raise awareness of the importance of food for students. According to the data provided by the pediatricians and teachers of Florida Universitària, Manuel Martínez and José Villarroya, in the Valencian Community 25% of the population is overweight and obese. Miguel Angel Moret, director of the school Les Carolines de Picassent, suggested that healthy habits for children is not only the work of schools, but also families so they can work together. The chef Alberto Corriente proposes that families prepare dinner, depending on what children have eaten at school, to have a balanced diet. On the other hand, Alejandra Miralles, manager of Gastronomic Association La Regadera (El Canyaveral, Valencia), explained that it is important that children know the effects that the foods produce in their body, and to understand the benefits of eating well and actively playing, so they can be able to self-regulate. To this event attended more than 50 persons who evaluated the activity interesting and with important inputs to their real lives.
Outcomes and Results:Report on seminar/round-table
Supporting Documents:

Evaluation_seminars_HealthEDU- Round Table-EN_ES - FINAL.doc

Evaluation_HealthEDU- Round Table_RESUME.doc