
Proje yönetimi

Partner institution: VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas
Name of Contact Person: Vida Drąsutė
Date of the event: 2019-04-25
Type of Dissemination event:

Training Seminar

Held in:Kaunas, Lithuania
Target group:Teachers, administration staff, dietists, cookers of Kindergartens and Primary Schools, parents
Number of people reached by event:35
Description of Dissemination Event:Seminar with tasting of 4 healthy dishes for community of Kaunas Kindergarten "The Little Sun" (Lithuania) about healthy nutrition and physical activity. Parents, staff of kindergarten in closed eyes tasted healthy, not in traditional way prepared porridges and bake, tried to guess what are the ingredients. Also Healthedu methodical material was presented as a source for more information and ideas for making food and activities with kids: http://healthedu.emundus.eu/methodical-material/.
Outcomes and Results:Parents and staff of kindergarten were involved into testing 4 healthy dishes, was introduced with the prepared methodical material as a source for more information and ideas for making food and activities with kids.
Supporting Documents:
