
Project management

Partner institution: VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas
Name of Contact Person: Neringa Kelpšaitė
Date of the event: 2018-11-09
Type of Dissemination event:

Facebook post

Held in:https://www.facebook.com/emundus.lt/
Target group:Teachers, administration staff, dietists, cookers of Kindergartens and Primary Schools, parents
Number of people reached by event:112
Description of Dissemination Event:Post in health edu facebook page on the activities held in Raseiniai Šaltinio School (Lithuania) Biology class some healthy nutrition activities were carried on due to Day of Action (School's event). Also European Healthy Nutrition Day was mentioned (November 8th). Together with children we divided and discussed food products which are healthy and which are not, why it is not good for our health and why it is not. With closed eyes children tasted food bites and tried to guess those. HealthEDU project material was very helpful for lesson preparation (slides and activities with descriptions). There were activities with 4 separated classes with average 30 children (three classes of 5th graders, one class - 6th graders).
Outcomes and Results:People who reached this posted information (mostly followers of "eMundus" Facebook page), got familiar with the event and the project also (the link to project results was shared).
Supporting Documents:
