Beneficiary institutions


Beneficiaries are institutions (mainly kindergartens, primary schools, kids centres for education) and main target group of the project. Beneficiaries joined the project after the project was approved. Participation letters were signed with each of them. They will get all project material and will feel the benefit directly from the project outcomes: educational events, trips to natural farms, as well seminars which will be organized for beneficiaries communities (kids, parents, pedagogues, kitchen chefs, cooks, etc.), also we will try to respond to the chalenges they meet concerning children nutrition and catering, we will provide methodical material and will make pilot training in their communities.

It was planned that 70 institutions-beneficiaries from partnership countries: kindergartens, primary-schools, kids’ educational centres from partnership countries, will join the project, however at the end of the project, the number was double, more than 150 institutions joined the project.

If you wish to see the list of involved institutions, please, check here:

Lithuanian institutions

Bulgarian institutions

Greek institutions

Turkish institutions

Italian institutions

Spanish institutions

Beneficiaries as well agreed to contribute to the project expected results and institution’s community involved  participated in the project activities:

  • Participate in Analysis process (expressing opinion and needs concerned with project topic), in the interviews session on needs analysis
  • Acknowledge with project results (research, methodical material, other)
  • Participate or organize according to given methodical material educational activities for children (and community) during particular periods/dates (08/11 Europe Heath Nutrition Day; 22/03 World Water Day; 07/04 World Health Day; 16/10 World Food Day)
  • Participate in evaluation of project results
  • Participate in discussions with Partner organization and if possible in virtual meetings
  • Allow to test created methodical material in practise and give a feedback
  • Participate in National seminars, workshops organized by Partner organization
  • Disseminate project idea and outcomes
  • Participate in exploitation, sustainability processes (use created results)

If you wish to join the project community, please, contact responsible person in the project in your country.