
Proje yönetimi

Partner institution: VšĮ „eMundus“, Lithuania, Kaunas
Name of Contact Person: Raminta Bogušienė
Date of the event: 2016-12-14
Type of Dissemination event:

National Meeting

Article on website

Held in:Lithuanian Parliament
Target group:Members, concerned with nutrition, Parliament members
Number of people reached by event:100
Description of Dissemination Event:On 14 December,2016 the conference "Conscious parenting" was organized at the Parliament, nutrition technologist Raminta Bogušienė introduced child malnutrition issues. It was also presented and HealthEDU project initiatives and planned results.
Outcomes and Results:More info could be found in article published in LT online press: http://www.alfa.lt/straipsnis/50119157/kokie-pokyciai-laukia-vaiku-valgiarascio-2017-metais?ref=astromanija-web
Supporting Documents:
